It's obviously baby friendly, so I didn't have to worry about what I would do if B started screaming or needed to nurse or be changed. This alone took so much pressure off of this first mom and baby outing. The store has a nice classroom in the back, and a "rest stop"--a private room outfitted with a sofa and changing tables so you can nurse and change your baby in comfort.
I'll never forget that day when B and I first ventured out on our own to attend the first meeting of our New Moms Group. I basically spent the entire morning obsessing over what I should bring, which meant I packed and unpacked the diaper bag at least three times. It was also the first time I actually put on makeup since B was born, and that alone had me feeling better than I had felt in weeks. I pre-tied my Moby at home so I could wear him into the class, and we were off. We made it to and through that first meeting without a hitch, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I felt like I could do anything when we got back into the car once the class was over. Now I look back and can't remember why I was so scared to take B out on my own, but I was, and this was the perfect destination to help me get over that fear.
In addition to great classes, New Mother New Baby has really adorable baby stuff and clothing for moms, and a staff of super nice women who can tell you anything you want to know about all of it. The upside to this is that you can shop after every class, and the downside to this is that . . . you can shop after every class. I've spent more than I care to share in that place. It is great to have a place where you can be introduced to and try out products that you never knew you needed. I actually have New Mother New Baby to blame for my obsession with Boob nursing tops, but I digress.
So, this or any other baby-friendly boutique is the perfect place to get out with baby, especially if you're a scaredy cat like me and haven't been able to leave the house alone yet. Don't wait! Once you have your first successful trip out alone you are going to have a hard time staying in.
Have a favorite Chicagoland baby boutique? Let us know!
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